3D Video Bumper Animations for Better Brand Videos
The process of making some awesome, eye-catching logo animations for KREW.

Posted: 28 January 2021
Every Thursday, we feature one Collab between KREW Members and/or Partners. This week it’s the Collab of Rick Speets and me!
Full name: Marc Rodan
Collaborated with: Rick Speets
For: About a week
In: The Hague (NL)
What did you collaborate on? At the official pre-launch event for KREW in June 2020, Rick suggested to create a 3D-animated video bumper. Since we tend to make a lot of videos, for both marketing purposes and online courses, this immediately seemed like a great idea! Not to mention, to have a unique ending (or beginning) for each video with an animated logo is a great way to stand out and appeal to our target group of creative entrepreneurs of course.
The only problem was… we didn’t have a logo yet! We didn’t even have a brand. So it took a few months before Rick and I could finally start our collaboration, but as you can see in the video below, it was SO worth the wait. Rick created four bumper versions in the end: two in purple, two in orange, two with space for a call to action and two without.
Fun fact: during the process we got the idea (thanks to Alireza Parpaei) to include a bit of the back story of KREW, namely that it’s the Dutch word for ‘work’ – ‘WERK’ – in reverse. I think it’s really cool that we were able to include that. After all, we really do turn work on its head here at KREW.
^ The end result of the four video bumpers that Rick created for KREW.
What was most fun or surprising about this Collab? Rick’s speed and professionalism for sure. Even though I don’t really like to admit it, I can be a very annoying customer sometimes. Especially when it comes to video, because I’ve made so many videos myself. So I ended up asking Rick for more changes than we both anticipated, even though not all of them were entirely necessary. Rick stayed professional and kept delivering, but also openly shared his opinion about the impact of some of the changes (or lack thereof). I really appreciated that!
What did you learn from this Collab? That the potential for 3D motion design is WAY bigger than I imagined! Going into this project, I wasn’t really sure what to expect even though I had seen some of previous Rick’s work. “How is he going to animate the KREW logo?”, I thought, “it’s so flat and not 3D at all”, “will I even like the result?”.
But then after the very first designs, I could already see it. With 3D, or even regular, motion design you are able to stand out a lot more from your competition and when done right it looks extremely professional.
“Rick’s delivery speed and professionalism throughout the process really stood out to me.”
Oh, and I also learned not to be so damn perfectionistic all the time, especially when it comes to video. Sorry, Rick…
How did you (or are you going to) celebrate success? We had some beers in The Hague when the project was almost finished! I’m planning a visit to Zoetermeer (or Sweetlake, as Rick calls it, his home city) soon to drink some more and take in all the sights. I heard “great” stories.
Anything else you’d like to add? I would actually love to show you a bit of the design process and the different bumper versions that Rick made to get to the final re!
He started out with a storyboard based on our initial conversation about the desired style and the KREW Style Guide made by Marieke Laanen. Then after a check with me he turned the storyboard into actual moving images. I outlined the different documents and videos below.
👉 Download version 1 of the video bumper storyboard (PDF) here.
👉 Download version 2 of the video bumper storyboard (PDF) here.
^ The process of designing the video bumpers for KREW by Rick.
During the design process we also got the idea (thanks to Alireza Parpaei) to include a bit of the origins of KREW, namely that it’s the Dutch word for ‘work’ — ‘WERK’ — in reverse. I added all three iterations Rick made before the final bumper in one video below.
Thanks for reading the weekly KREW Collab! Don’t hesitate to reach out to Rick to explore new collaborations and opportunities yourself.
Marc Rodan is the Founder of KREW and Chief Editor of KREW Stories. In 2015 he started his first business as the tallest (mini) pancake baker in Sweden. Since then, he has travelled the world to start businesses in both branding and online education. Marc loves penguins, UFOs and anything blue and orange, always makes up songs while doing the dishes and dreams of one day living in a tree house as big as Jake and Finn’s. Connect with him on LinkedIn.