Creating a Professional Style Guide for KREW
Like the style you see on this website? Well, Marieke Laanen created it. Read the story below!

Posted: 4 February 2021
Every week, we feature one collaboration between KREW Members and/or Partners to inspire new meaningful connections and to show off our awesome work of course. This week it’s the Collab of Marieke Laanen, Alireza Parpaei and Marc Rodan.
Full name: Marieke Laanen
Collaborated with: Marc Rodan & Alireza Parpaei
For: A few months
In: Roosendaal & The Hague (NL)
What did you collaborate on? I met Marc during a KREW Meetup in The Hague (I drove all the way from Roosendaal), where he explained his project to me. We stayed in touch and after a while he asked whether I wanted to do the graphic design part of the rebranding of KREW. That’s when I joined the platform to gain insight and to have more feeling with the brand and the project.
The platform and KREW in general have been really valuable to me for connecting with fellow creators and entrepreneurs. This has resulted into multiple freelance gigs for me, which is awesome! Including this one, where I created the KREW style guide including the logo and templates for presentations and social media posts. You can download the full style guide below.

^ Click here to download the final KREW Style Guide created by Marieke Laanen.
What did you learn from this Collab? That communication is key. I also learned more about branding and how to use the Adobe programs more efficiently — Alireza Parpaei has been a great help in this as well, taking a lot of time to go through the design process with me. I also learned that I like to have someone who will hold me accountable for progress during a project.
How did you (or are you going to) celebrate success? I celebrated by having a beer with my partner and having a chill evening with nice food. The beer part is the most important part of course.
Anything else you’d like to add? Let me show you some more examples of the work that I’ve done for this project, starting with this KREW Logo Master document that I made together with Alireza Parpaei. Using this document, it’s easy to change the letters on any version of the KREW logo.

I also made a lot of social media templates (most of those files are too large to share here) and several versions for the LinkedIn Page banner for KREW:

^ Click here to see KREW PowerPoint Master Deck slides by Marieke Laanen.
There’s always more to show, but I hope this gives a bit of an insight into this project. I really enjoyed working on it!
Thanks for reading the weekly KREW Collab! Don’t hesitate to reach out to Marieke, Marc or Ali to explore new collaborations and opportunities yourself.
Marc Rodan is the Founder of KREW and Chief Editor of KREW Stories. In 2015 he started his first business as the tallest (mini) pancake baker in Sweden. Since then, he has travelled the world to start businesses in both branding and online education. Marc loves penguins, UFOs and anything blue and orange, always makes up songs while doing the dishes and dreams of one day living in a tree house as big as Jake and Finn’s. Connect with him on LinkedIn.